Javafest 2022 coming soon

Therap (BD) Ltd. at a Glance

Therap (BD) Ltd. is a US based Software Company registered in Bangladesh operating since 2004. We have our office in Dhaka, Bangladesh and our affiliate offices in the USA and Canada.

Working for 2003

Therap provides Software as a Service (SaaS) to government and private organizations globally that serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

7000+ Customers


We are a global team of professionals who actively collaborate to develop solutions for individuals and service providers in order to make a difference in their lives.

300+ Team members

Perks of being a Therap (BD) Ltd. Employee

  • Flexible Work Environment
  • Competitive Compensation Package
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Collaborative Co-Workers
  • Work with New Technologies
  • Training and Career Development
  • Transportation Facilities
  • Healthy Breakfast and Lunch
  • Holiday Feasts and Barbecues

Explore Careers at Therap (BD) Ltd.

software development teamsoftware development team
Software Quality AssuranceSoftware Quality Assurance
Database Administration TeamDatabase Administration Team
System Operations TeamSystem Operations Team
Application OperationsApplication Operations
Training and Content TeamTraining and Content Team
Marketing Operations TeamMarketing Operations Team
Therap Global TeamTherap Global Team
Design and UsabilityDesign and Usability
Biometric IoT TeamBiometric IoT Team
Machine Learning TeamMachine Learning Team
Android ApplicationAndroid Application
iOs ApplicationiOs Application
Compliance and Quality ControlIT Operations

Message from the Managing Director

Message from the MD

Therap (BD) Ltd. cares about the health and well-being of our employees

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is still spreading in countries and regions. It is crucial for communities to implement action plans to prevent further transmission, reduce the impact of the pandemic and promote control measures.

During this ongoing pandemic, Therap (BD) Ltd. is committed to ensuring the well-being and security of its employees by following proper safety protocols at work.

House#69, Road#4, Block-C. Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

House#51, Road#4, Block-C, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

House#47, Road#4, Block-C. Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

Contact Us

House 47, Road 4, Block C, Banani,
Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

House 51, Road 4, Block C, Banani,
Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh